GCalendar from Google?

26 Feb

Somebody posts something about a bot’s (supposedly from Google) hyperactivity on a calendar oriented site and then some people link to some very irrelevant blog posts about possible things Google could provide and then what you get is a complete speculation in the whole Internet community of Google building a killer calendar application.

It would be real splendid if Google actually does come up with a feature packed online calendar. And so would it be if they built the IM that they were again thought to be building, what with all those acquisitions and all. Probably you must read about it on an earlier post of mine: Google rolling out a new instant messaging client.

And if you wish to have more details of the Google Calendar speculations,

2 Responses to “GCalendar from Google?”

  1. Naresh February 26, 2005 at 10:45 am #

    futuristik@gmail.com rings some bells… Am I guesssing right???

  2. Anonymous February 27, 2005 at 11:10 pm #

    It doesn’t matter if it rings a bell or sounds a gong. What matters is “why?” and I think someone has just failed to keep his word.

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